Cow-Free Diet – Avoiding Palmitic Acid by Canceling Cow from My Life
Julia spotted news of this UT Southwestern Medical Center study the other day. It seems that some fatty acids (namely palmitic acid) might be blocking our feelings of being full while eating. Palmitic...
View ArticleChoosing to live a self-sufficiently and sustainably is the best hedge
So I was browsing through my RSS reader and stumbled on this video that describes all the challenges that are facing humanity and I thought it was interesting that at the end it said “Because failure...
View ArticleInformation wants to be free
This is a simple idea, but I wanted to explain what I mean by the statement, information wants to be free, and how it can apply to business and the internet. The basic concept is that all information,...
View ArticleLess is More Sustainable
On my blog,, I use the tagline Less is More Sustainable. While this probably makes a lot of literal sense for a blog about tiny houses, but I hope people read more into this...
View ArticleWe’re Stronger Together
I’ve been saying this a lot lately and mean a lot by it. I also suspect most of us need a little reminding that every system (natural or human-created) is stronger than the sum of it’s parts. Not to...
View ArticleTrue Motivator – Our Quest for Mastery, Purpose, and Self-Direction
I first spotted this on The Tiny Life. It’s a presentation by RSA Animate that explains what really motivates people. In a nutshell it explains why punishment and reward are not a good motivators for...
View ArticleCould Modern Humans be Suffering from a Form of Zoochosis?
We took Katie to the Sacramento Zoo this past weekend and while we had a good time, I came back with the general impression that we’re doing a terrible disservice to the animals there. Seeing the...
View ArticleEnvironmental Sustainability = Economic Sustainability
Truth be told, if any piece of a system is sustainable it has a natural sustaining effect on the other parts. By sustainable I mean the true definition of the word, the capacity to endure. This can be...
View ArticleTen Commandments – Food for Thought
This is what is sounds like when people value balance higher than acquisition. Not knocking the other ten commandments – just saying.
View ArticleDo What You Love
This is good advice for teaching us to support our children’s strengths but also our own strengths. When we do what we love and we do our best we succeed and thrive without the need for competition or...
View ArticleConspiracy Theorists Cloud the Truth Like a Drop of Piss in a Cup of Coffee
Alex Jones (pictured above on the right, speaking with Piers Morgan) may be one of the best known conspiracy theorists. His angry ranting seems to work well for him on his radio (and internet) show...
View ArticleAlternate Explanation for Extreme Weather
I like the logic the fellow at Suspicious0bservers presents. Here’s what I make of it all. Climate change is not entirely manmade. Pollution is all bad, but it’s not the whole story. Space weather is...
View ArticlePropaganda in the Time of Social Media
[Update: YouTube removed the video I had linked to. Probably a good thing, since it helps decapitate (pun intended) the ability of IS/ISIS/ISIL to spread propaganda.] Fascinating turn of events. The...
View ArticleVisualizing Exponential Growth
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has made some recent statements about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Here are some highlights: Exponentially growing epidemic – “The number of cases is...
View ArticleThe Irony of the Climate Change March in New York City
Protesters gathered on Sunday for the start of the People’s Climate March on Central Park West in New York City. Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times” – – Photo by Damon Winter for The...
View ArticleAlternative Future
The thing I don’t understand is why we don’t take an alternative strategy and move toward a sustainable future powered by renewables and governed by decentralized power. Seriously – that would be a...
View ArticleCNC Machine Lets You Finish an AR-15 Lower Receiver at Home
Like any computer-numerically-controlled (or CNC) mill, the one-foot-cubed black box uses a drill bit mounted on a head that moves in three dimensions to automatically carve digitally-modeled shapes...
View ArticleThe Federal Government Hopes You Get The Message
The FBI is asking for the public’s help identifying individuals who have traveled—or are planning to travel—overseas to engage in combat alongside terrorist organizations.” – FBI It’s amazing that the...
View ArticleData Point: Congressman Claims ISIS Militants Caught Trying to Cross Border...
[Duncan] Hunter, a California Republican [Congressman] and former Marine Major, told Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren on Tuesday that Border Patrol agents have captured Islamic State in Iraq and...
View ArticleDay 26 Ebola in the USA: Positive Spin Continues Powered by Lots of Good News
Many of the headlines support the President’s remarks on Ebola this week, but he did seem to skip over some of the other news that might indicate a larger risk: NYPD dump potentially infected PPE in...
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