Protesters gathered on Sunday for the start of the People’s Climate March on Central Park West in New York City. Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times” – – Photo by Damon Winter for The New York Times
There are more than two sids to the climate debate. The third group thinks the climate change deniers and the global warmers are both ignoring the biggest impact on Earth’s climate… the sun.
The Irony
So as thousands of people march in NYC against carbon & pollution – good things to protest against – most are probably unaware of the real culprit of climate change… the sun.
When Al Gore said, “the science is settled”, he forgot to include the impact of the sun in his scientific modeling. Maybe he should take another look at the potential factors like… the sun.
Pollution is all bad. Carbon in the atmosphere is all bad. Fracking for gas pollutes water. Pipelines and oil trains are all bad. We should shift to a decentralized grid, encourage self-sufficiency, and lower consumption but we should also take a moment to pause and look up at… the sun.
Look at The Sun
No not directly into the sun silly… take note of it’s lack of activity and the weakening effect that has on our atmosphere. If that’s news to you follow the folks at the Mobile Observatory Project, a.k.a. the Suspicious0bservers. These people track the sun’s activity and how it impacts the weather.
Using public data they show a different side of the story, which you should now be guessing has something to do with the sun’s affect on climate change.
Now why the government and main stream media push the whole pollution equals climate change argument should be left to conspiracy theorists. I choose to look at the real numbers and research coming out of NASA & NOAA, which are telling a different story.
Climate Change is not our fault… pollution & the burning of fossil fuels must stop… but it’s not causing climate change. A natural cycle the sun is experiencing is more likely causing climate change and it’s done it many times before.
Think of our solar system as being a little part of a much larger clock – our Milky Way Galaxy. There are many relationships between the planets & stars, solar systems with other solar systems, and solar systems within our spinning galaxy. Everything works like one big system but the clock spins so slowly we don’t notice the movement expect for the spinning of our planet and our orbit around the sun. Beyond that the larger cycles are not easily seen.
But if you look at the geological record you see patterns of ice ages, cooling & warming trends, and even the occasional random catastrophic event. But for the most part you see patterns. I think we’re entering one of these cycles and we are experiencing it by changes in the weather.
Climate change is very real but the cause should be in question. Science is never settled when new evidence is presented.